12.10.2023 - Mental Health



Conflict or global crises can be highly distressing for many around the world. In the wake of the recent events in places like Israel, Gaza and Ukraine, tension has risen, and people are scared and anxious, making it even more important to prioritise our well-being and build emotional resilience during this time.

A Stressor Unlike Others

Stress associated with international crises is unlike our regular, day-to-day stressors. They are often larger in magnitude and impact everyone worldwide. War and global crises are frightening, and worrying headlines can cause our emotions to overcome us. What's more, is that global conflicts create mass feelings of uncertainty and uneasiness - further amplifying our own individual feelings of stress. The stressors associated with international crises can contribute to adverse physical, emotional, and mental health outcomes. Stress can lead to health problems such as hypertension or heart attack, stroke, or depression, to name a few.

Anxiety from global crises can present in a variety of ways. It can present suddenly in response to a specific trigger or it can start as small worries that eventually spiral out of control. People experiencing these types of stress may feel physically anxious with a racing heart or nausea, whereas others may have difficulty sleeping. While some individuals may experience panic attacks in addition to these symptoms, others may feel emotionally numb in response to the stress. A small amount of stress can be adaptive, indicating to your body to take a threat seriously, but learning how to manage anxiety is important to help prevent it from becoming debilitating.

Coping Mechanisms

Gemeinschaft und soziale Unterstützung sind wesentliche Bestandteile des Wohlbefindens. In stressigen Situationen kann der Rückgriff auf Freunde und Familie helfen, Stress zu reduzieren und die Widerstandsfähigkeit zu stärken. Zwischenmenschliche Beziehungen spielen eine große Rolle für die psychische Gesundheit und fungieren als Unterstützung in schwierigen Zeiten. Eine starke Verbundenheit mit den Menschen um einen herum wirkt als Schutzfaktor gegen negative Auswirkungen auf die mentale Gesundheit.

Achten Sie auf Ihre Nachrichten- und Medienkonsum. Während es wichtig ist, über aktuelle Ereignisse auf dem Laufenden zu bleiben, kann ein übermäßiger Konsum von Informationen und Bildmaterial zu einem traumatischen Ereignis belastend sein und die Gefühle von Stress und Angst sowohl kurzfristig als auch langfristig verschärfen. Selbst auferlegte Beschränkungen bei der Mediennutzung können eine gute Möglichkeit sein, Distanz zwischen sich selbst und der aktuellen Krise zu schaffen, ohne die aktuelle Lage vollständig zu vernachlässigen.

Building Resilience

Resilience - one's ability to respond to stressful or unexpected situations and crises - helps people rebound from setbacks or challenges like illness, job loss, or natural disasters. Individuals who lack resilience are more likely to dwell on problems, feel victimised, become overwhelmed, or turn to unhealthy coping mechanisms like substance abuse or other risky behaviours. As a key component of one's coping ability, resilience can help protect people from various mental health conditions like anxiety or depression. Someone who is resilient is more likely to view hardships in a different perspective and better handle stress. Some skills that you can adopt to develop more resilience include:

  • Practice self-awareness. Being self-aware, that is being aware of your thoughts, feelings, and actions helps you better adapt and adjust to different situations appropriately.
  • Mindfulness - the ability to be fully present in the moment, without judgement - helps build our ability to be aware of and manage our own thoughts and feelings in the heat of conflict.
  • Engage in self-care to promote mental and physical health by taking actions to maintain or improve health and well-being like exercising, getting enough sleep, or eating well.
  • As social creatures, social exchanges are primordial for our survival and well-being. Foster and maintain healthy relationships. Surrounding ourselves with people with whom we share a reciprocal exchange of support and care is a key part of resilience.


Supporting Others

Check-in on your loved ones, letting them know that you're available to talk. Being listened to and recognised can play a large role in recovering from a traumatic event. Victims of crises may feel like a burden on their friends and family; remind them that you're there for them, providing them with a safe space to express their thoughts and worries.

In times of crisis, communities often gather together and support one another. Community provides a sense of connectedness, a key component in resilience and well-being. After a terrific event, individuals seek comfort in being near or around others with whom they can talk, exchange resources, and work together to overcome a terrible situation. Community leaders may also create support groups, raise money to help victims or organise workgroups to send supplies to those in need. Get involved in your community if you feel compelled to help others during this time.

Families with children may be especially vulnerable during a crisis. Children often have a harder time understanding the situation at hand, have a tough time with disruptions to their routines, and are extremely sensitive to their parents' anxiety during difficult times. As they may not have the words to express themselves, their distress may be manifested as changes in sleep patterns and potential nightmares, changes in behaviour, and resistance to their parents - all of which can indicate a need for professional help.

Seeking Professional Help

If you are feeling overwhelmed by the current situation, do not hesitate to seek professional support. The Kusnacht Practice provides individualised support for mental health issues, including anxiety and depression. Our psychotherapists can help you process feelings of stress, develop coping strategies for crisis-induced anxiety, and help promote resilience during difficult times.

Contact us for more information on how we can help.


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