Company Information
Name of Company: The Kusnacht Practice AG
Registered by: The Canton of Zurich, Switzerland
Regulation: As an ambulatory service, The Kusnacht Practice complies with and is licensed under the regulations of the Swiss Health Authorities
Responsible Medical Manager: Prof. Dr. med. Georg Schulthess
Responsible Operations Manager: Eduardo Greghi
Company type: Limited Liability Company (AG) under Swiss law
Company registration number: CH-
Company's registered address: Zollikerstrasse 60, 8702 Zollikon, Switzerland
Office address: Zollikerstrasse 60, 8702 Zollikon, Switzerland
Telephone/fax contact: +41 43 541 11 52 (office)
Purposes of the company:
- Treatment services and education on addictions including drugs, alcohol, sex, gambling, codependency and eating disorders
- Psycho-therapeutic services for depression, anxiety, and trauma and abuse
- Performance enhancement