Alcoholism txpeebeba33my J300 Original Delivery 3486549 graded retouched v1 2022 02 06 ZB



When a baby is born, its arrival is commonly celebrated with the opening of a bottle containing an alcoholic beverage. Similarly, at a wedding toast. To mark a birthday or anniversary. A new business venture.

Alcohol is highly visible, socially accepted and deeply embedded in many cultures around the globe. To some, alcohol may seem inescapable. But if that sounds like you, be assured that you are not alone. Problems with alcohol sometimes feel insurmountable but with the right holistic care and healing environment, these common struggles can be conquered and an enlightened path to recovery navigated.


The Kusnacht Practice is renowned for its absolute, dedicated attention and precision, honesty and transparency in a warm and empathetic environment.

With the pure waters of Lake Zurich lapping on its nearby shores and enveloped by nature and clean air, the treatment centre offers a holistic, 360 degree, mind, body and energy rebalancing and restoration.

Its state-of-the-art facility combines Swiss standards of excellence, luxury and cutting edge, innovative technology with world-renowned medical expertise, compassion and sensitivity. Each and every patient is treated uniquely and privately in their own sumptuous, five-star residence and provided with the highest standards of professionalism, care and discretion.


Alcoholism is a disease that can affect anyone of any age, race, social status, or wealth. Alcohol is often utilised as an emotional crutch to mask and numb underlying mental health issues and pain. In fact, America’s National Institute On Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism states that around 7.2% of adults have an alcohol use problem.

For many, the effect of drinking is harmless. But, for some of us, it can lead to physical and mental health issues. If such problems are left unaddressed, full-blown alcoholism can develop and worsen over time, causing harm, both to the sufferer and to their loved ones. But it doesn’t have to be that way - with expert care and attention, however helpless a situation may feel, recovery and sobriety is truly attainable.


  • Memory impairment
  • Extreme mood swings
  • Making excuses for drinking such as to feel normal, deal with stress or relax
  • Feeling hungover when not drinking
  • Choosing to drink over other responsibilities and obligations
  • Engaging in risky behaviours, such as driving under the influence of alcohol
  • Being in denial about the extent of the alcohol abuse problem
  • Becoming distressed at the prospect of not having access to alcohol


At The Kusnacht Practice, we don’t judge you. We nurture recovery through empathy and a sensitive, holistic approach. Rest assured, discretion and privacy are central pillars to everything we do. We look for the root causes of such dependencies, as what lies beneath is vital in understanding the triggers for behaviour. This way, we can liberate and enrich your energy and restore you back to your best self.

The Kusnacht Practice will coordinate everything with no detail overlooked - a complete, 360-degree approach to examine the function of drinking in your life, to bring the full picture into focus.

We then treat the entire person - mind, body and energy. We do this through approaches like psychotherapy, Biomolecular Restoration (BIO-R®), complementary therapies, and spiritual counselling. The Kusnacht Practice has built a safe, caring, protected, secure and absolutely private environment, which helps to foster recovery. Our results speak for themselves.

We’ve got your back and we’ll get you back.

“I was running a successful business but I also felt as if I was running into darkness. Alcohol was progressively becoming a bigger and bigger part of my daily existence and I felt helpless and hopeless. But The Kusnacht Practice helped me change direction, enriching my life and liberating my soul. Their holistic approach has been truly life-altering and I feel polished and primed and am now running into freedom and light - and a bright new future.”

Grace, 38

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